Thursday, January 27, 2011

Entering my 4th Decade...

Trying to steer myself into a future I can be proud of

hoping the journey is happy and challenging, fun and full of surprises

It is the beginning of my Fortieth Year. 40th. The B-I-G 4-0.

Before we have January again, in 2012, I will be telling people that I am 39, and I will be LYING.

I have really come to ponder and reflect and kind of freak out about the fact that I am in 'mid-life'.

And I am trying to formulate some words to describe the feelings, and the future, for me.

One of the words that keeps coming to my mind; 'authentic'. I'd like to explore that word in the next few posts and let it help me define how I'd like the next 4 decades to turn out...

What will this year look like for me? I'm not sure. I have set some goals, I have some hopes, and I have some expectations.

It will be a narcissistic week on my blog from now until next Friday-hope y'all don't mind. But many of you who read these words know me pretty well, so you will have good feed-back as I figure myself out publicly in anticipation of this, my fourth, 4th ...decade.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great birthday week!
