Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Go Ahead, Feel Sorry for Me

sometimes, no matter how strong you are, you just can't carry the weight of the world

Last night our big MAC computer died.

This morning when I put on my iPod to help me get through my run, it wouldn't turn on.

Then Molly threw the biggest fit EVER (no kidding, EVER). She made Lucy late to ballet and made herself late to school and made me late to the rest of my day.

When I took the computer to the APPLE STORE it started to snow, HARD. Freeway turned into bumper cars. We were late to the apt. (see above).

After I dropped the computer off, I had to park the car. I CRUNCHED our yakima rack (used in winter to haul the skiis) when I tried to park in the parking garage (see reference to above SNOW STORM)

Trying to console myself, I walked over to ANTHROPOLOGIE to use a gift card given to me for Christmat (thanks Mom Graham!). TONS of stuff on sale, none of it was MY SIZE.

I LEFT MY MITTEN in the store. Unknowingly.

Came home. Discovered lost mitten. Started to cry. Texted John. John, trying to console me, threatens to cancel the rest of his day and come home ( he wanted to be sweet, but it kind of came out ' cause you just can't get anything right today...' he was probably worried I was going to accidentally set the house on fire ;).

I cried more. Then I prayed. I remembered that the one thing of all these things that really really matters is Molly and how I reacted to her fit. Because in all this junk that happened today? She is the only PERSON. The rest was just STUFF.

And Heavenly Father helped me not yell at her when she yelled at me. And He helped me not spank her even though in my mind the idea was seriously forming. And He helped me get her to school-and she even dressed herself to do it after threatening to stay in her pajamas all day...

Now the kids are home. Nothing new has broken. I called the store and they are holding on to my mitten. I have learned the computer repair will cost, but won't cost an arm and a leg. I can get dinner on. We will make it to Pack Meeting. Molly has already done her kindergarten homework and is acting, for all intents and purposes, like a perfect angel.

but you can feel sorry for me, still, if you want to. I'm almost done feeling sorry for myself. Better get back on my knees so I can throw that feeling out with the luggage rack...


  1. sorry you had a bad day... but not sorry for YOU because you are a champ and i would have yelled and maybe spanked, too... that kind of strength trumps any other

  2. that. is. all. really crappy! ((hugs)) for you, katie. i hope the rest of your week is better!

  3. What a great post. You have an awesome perspective. I am sorry you had a rotten day, but feel in awe in your outlook. Have a fabulous day my friend!
