Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Valentine's Day at the Spruces..

enjoying as much mileage as possible from winter decor designed by my sister Jess.

Very determined to make a Valentine Box that looked like the Wii, Porter was our most excited and avid 'Valentine-er' this year. He had his Valentines addressed and treats ready days before he was to share them with his classmates

Madi had the best 'Valentine outfit'. Pink jeans, a red sweater, darling heart shoelaces, sweet red floral headband. And her Valentine box employed the most creative use of Duct Tape! The white bow on the box? Duct Tape. Plaid pattern? Duct Tape!

This year we tried something new, a Valentine Sweetheart dinner. Cheese and Chocolate Fondu, elaborately decorated table, entire family and our dear friend Cathy all gathered around for a very lovely, very long evening. We each shared what we love about the other, and I got to share with Cathy why each of our kids is unique and special. I loved having us all gathered there around the table for more than an hour; I think that is a Graham record. Thanks to friend Chelsea for holding my hand through my first fondu attempt!

Our long standing Valentine tradition; the huge heart shaped Love Note in the big window of our home. Each year the Valentine is re-made, sometimes its red, sometimes pink. Sometimes it says "Luv U" other years "Be Mine" ; you get the picture.
This is my yearly tradition just from me to the family I love. It goes in the window on Valentine's Day in time for the kids to walk home from school and see it. I asked Bryn this year if it means anything to her. She replied "it will, when I'm gone". Good enough reason to continue the tradition that began almost 7 years ago.

Not pictured? The heart shaped cookies from Great Harvest bakery that are usually wrapped and set out for our kids to enjoy for Valentine's day BREAKFAST.

Also, the very sleek and stylish black boots that John gifted to me on this lover's holiday. Nor do you see the '12 days of Valentines' thoughts and gifts that were placed on John's pillow each day before he came home from work.

Happy Hearts Day...hope yours was as lovely as mine!

1 comment:

  1. Love the family tradition of the big heart in the window. It is great. I also love the comment, of it will mean something when I am gone. Too cute!
