Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Very Big Weekend followed closely by a Very Big Week

Our Big Weekend actually started on Thursday night, when Mason-whose rugby season starts in 3 weeks, sprained his ankle in a BIG way playing basketball with church friends. So, Friday was spent (at the insistence of EVERY MOTHER I KNOW) at an emergency room having his leg x-rayed....instead of home getting ready for Brynley's VERY BIG BIRTHDAY BASH. More pictures and photos of the bash to follow, but suffice it to say we had 20 teenage girls, spray paint, food, melted chocolate and cupcakes in our house from 7:30-midnight. BIG. Saturday John took me on a BIG DATE to celebrate Valentines Day. Sunday we had Family for dessert; not so big, just nice and laid back. Monday was spent preparing for a BIG DINNER in honor of Valentines. This dinner involved fondue, family and friends. It was big but it was FUN....

The rest of the week is BIG as well; Mason is awarded his Eagle Scout tomorrow, I stand in lines tonight and Thursday at parent teacher conference, Brynley's BIG BIRTHDAY is Thursday (13!) and Friday is a BIG SKI DAY as the kids are out of school.

The weeks that are BIG and full are not so many as you'd think with all the people who I nurture, but when they come they come with force, and they remind me that our family is BIG, my responsibilities in raising them are BIG and the rewards for doing so are BIG as well.

1 comment:

  1. ...I'm such a BIG fan of the Grahams. You're awesome, Katie.
