Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Wednesdays are spent here...

fingerprinting to learn about law enforcement

At Wheeler Farm to learn about a local historic landmark

The weeks are always busy. You know, getting one to swim team, another to ballet, helping the kids cook, assisting with their homework, piano and blah blah goes on. We all have busy lives and these times, even with pinched check books and expensive gasoline, is filled with carting our kids.

But our Wednesdays are spent, frantically, with cub scouts in the house. I was asked by our church leaders to help a group of boys grow from Wolf scouts to Bear Scouts this year. One major incentive for accepting? Porter is one of said scouts. And I want Porter to have scouts.

I've come to believe in scouting.

It has been a long journey, from jealous sister (why do my brothers get to go on week long camp outs and back packing trips and river runs and I have to stay home!) to clueless mother (Mason journeyed from wolf to Webelo without my assistance, practically). Then I was asked to be a leader. I had no boys in the program. All the training I got was 'here is the scout book, just follow it and you'll be fine'.

I limped along with those boys for 2 long years.

But I loved them.

And they needed scouting-to bring them together, to help them have common ground, to help them see that the world is about being civic, being kind, being GOOD.

And scouting teaches that.

Its been 3 years since I led that little troop. And this time its going to be different.

I'm not going to limp. I'm learning to stride.
I'm going to teach them by being a leader, not just a mother.
And I'll love these boys just as much as my other little troop-and I'll love ONE of them even more ('cause he's mine).

So amid the busy week, thrown in with other things, I'll save Wednesdays to spend with the scouts.

1 comment:

  1. you will be GREAT! and i'll spare you my soapbox, but i'm so glad you didn't say scouting was about badges. :)
