Thursday, March 10, 2011

the Apple falls not far from the Tree...

Madi is unhappy with her soft sculpture homework assignment

Last night was scouts, dance, swim, rugby and Youth night at church. It was also the Jr. High play, which Brynley thought she would attend instead of church. Quick negotiations brought us to a compromise; she would attend to her church duty, and I would zoom her to the play as soon as her duty was done. This meant driving, driving, entertaining, feeding, driving and driving some more. At one point-to drive Bryn to school, I left the kids eating hot bowls of soup (unblessed) at the kitchen counter. This is the same counter that was strewn with homework material and the morning's dishes (still) not to mention all the birthday party and household supplies that had been purchased throughout the day (Wednesday is errand day, which is why the dishes weren't yet done!).


I got back from driving bryn to the play to find Madi in tears. This happens lots latey; Madi in tears. It is time for her beautiful tall swimmer's body to 'blossom' which means we have crying on a regular basis from the spunky darling. The tears were over an assignment wherein she was required to create a 'tree' with the three branches of government represented. leaves had been created outlining each branch's duties. Brilliant assignment. Madi wanted to execute brilliantly as well.

Madi, like her mother, likes to do things well, and creatively, and center-stage-ly. She had come up with the idea for a 3-d tree (most kids had raided mom's scrapbook paper and had a nice flat tree with leaves). Madi had scoured the house for toilet paper and paper towel tubes and was giving it all she had to make a palm tree appear. Her creation was amazing in her mind-and again like her mother-was not working out in real life as well.

so, the tears.

I looked at the clock. I looked at the dishes. I looked at Madi. I asked her to make a scrapbook paper flat tree.

more tears.

No dishes done. No early bedtime for me or for Madi. Instead there were staplers and double sided tape. With tears still streaming, a mish moshed tree appeared; leaves in their places. Madi was sent to bed.

Then it was me who shed a few tears. Off to bed with no dishes done, floors a mess and counters still strewn with homework. My expectations not met, the clean kitchen, in my mind so beautifully straightened, remained a work in progress. It wasn't how I'd seen it in my mind's eye just an hour or two before.

Like mother, Like daughter

1 comment:

  1. First of all - the tree is awesome, from one tree lover - awesome.

    Second of all - I knew I should have come to you last night. I am sorry I didn't listen and didn't obey a prompting.

    I love you.
