Friday, March 11, 2011

Murphey's Law

At the end of 2010 John mentioned, a few times, that 2011 would be a 'light travel year'. I was hesitant, the nature of John's profession is that he needs to be elsewhere sometimes. I am very accepting and supportive of this. I understand, and I'm even used to it, mostly. So I didn't really believe him.

Then January came and went, basically no travel.
February came, and I started to believe this year would indeed be spent with John home at night instead of in a hotel room preparing for the next day's meetings.

So, I said 'yes' to some things; big birthday parties, PTA projects, Extra Church assignments.

Then John emailed me that he would be gone. A Lot. In March.

Sigh. March is when all the 'yes'-es would come to bear fruit in the way of places to be and things to be done.

I am doing it o.k. (but the dishes are piled high and the laundry too). It isn't that I can't get it done. I'm not complaining. It is just nice to do things that take me away from home when the other one of the parents who live here is home instead of me.

So here's to Murphey's law; what can go wrong, will. And here's to the truth that even though I can be a one man show, I'd rather be one of a twosome. I just like my husband-ALOT.

Here's to a weekend with John at home, hope yours is a great one too!

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