Tuesday, April 19, 2011

We are Chasing some Sunshine...

It is spring break at the Spruces, but it hasn't felt much like spring yet...winter has hung on far too long, so we've gone to chase some sunshine in Utah's Dixie (why do they call it that? Does anyone know?)

Some of the kids and my sister and her kids and I spent the better part of the day by and in a swimming pool, with blue skies and the perfect breeze. Now we are (most of us) sun-crisped and the little ones are sleeping on top of each other in a rented condo on a red-rocked hillside.

John and Mason, the menfolk of our clan, are home. John has church duties this year which require us to sacrifice his vacation time, so he remains dutifully providing for our family. Mason refused to leave his post as team punching bag and stayed for Rugby practices. We miss them.

But we've missed the sun so much this year that we are grateful to see its bright warm face shine down on us for a while.

We'll be back on Thursday. With red skins and white smiles. See you then and Happy Spring Break!

1 comment:

  1. They call it Utah's Dixie, because one of the crops the pioneers raised in St. George was cotton, just like in the real south/Dixie.
