Friday, April 22, 2011

We are Home but You are Gone...

The kids watched more of 'the Suite Life' than I care to admit. After playing at the pool all day, they crashed in front of the tv while Mandy and I talked and talked

new books from the bookstore were quickly opened at an impromptu read-a-thon. I'm glad that reading is part of relaxing for our children.

Dear John,

We got home safe and sound, and it was a hard re-entry from sunny swimming pool weather to cold wellie boot weather. But This morning the sun is shining, tho no shorts or flip flops will be worn as the temperature is still chilly. I'm sure you are extra cold, up in the mountains at your scout Woodbadge training. I hope you are keeping all those 'no electronics' rules; I think that would be a lovely mandate; unplug for 3 whole days-even if it means I don't get to hear your voice until you come home to us this weekend.

We had a great time in St. George, and I'd highly recommend we do it again. Only next time, I want to go with you...watching our kids laugh and giggle (and complain) is more complete with both their parents present. Plus, I think I could beat you at shuffleboard-Molly and I had a go at it and I was pretty good.

The house was lively this morning with Primary presidency meeting and all our kids home, not to mention singing practice all at the same time. Mason and Bryn had to weed the front flower garden-you would have thought I'd asked them to amputate their own toes. The job was done in30 minutes, but for all their complaining it could have been 20. Am I missing something, or is it harder to raise teenagers than to raise toddlers? Or do the teenagers actually become toddlers again, only wrapped in bigger bodies? Anyway, the house now hums with the sound of electronics-every tv screen and computer screen we own is currently employed with one movie or video game or another. Friday IS screen day; and the kids have taken that mandate to heart on this their last official day of spring break (I am not pushing them out the door either, as I've explained above that the spring break weather we came home to doesn't exactly measure up to SPRING).

I hope your three days of training is a fantastic experience. I'm so glad you have taken this chance to develop your talents and abilities and to prepare yourself to serve others as you are uniquely qualified to. I miss you, of course, but it is always endearing to see the one you love stretch and grow and become even more to admire, respect, and adore.

See (and kiss) you when you get here,

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