Thursday, April 28, 2011

Easter in Review

easter egg hunt held in the front yard after church

Molly is thrilled with the treasures found among our newly planted flowers

each year the children plant an annual blooming plant as a reminder that new life for all was the gift of Easter.

purple dresses for the girls, but nothing of the sort for the menfolk. Our days of looking perfectly matched on Easter Sunday are behind us now that we have an almost man for a son

Easter seems like a year ago. Time kind of stood still this week while I spent it with my buddy Susie from our old 'hood in Boise. She helped us re arrange and enlarge (with the use of new furniture and great organization) the girls' bedrooms. We also painted the entry of the house, which I will gladly show off to you later.

Easter night was her arrival.

We spent the day so comfortably. We decorated eggs with the kids, and enjoyed our yearly tradition of planting perennials in the garden on Easter morning. We had beautiful sunshine during our planting, warm light on our faces and glad hearts as we dug in the dirt.

Easter this year did NOT bring lots of matching sunday clothes. The kids (my teenage boy mostly) refused to 'look like a Christmas card'. so no pictures of us dressed in our Sunday best.

Such a reverent day. Spent so happily together.

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