Monday, May 02, 2011

Sixteen today

He is as excited about this birthday as he is a trip to the dentist. He, my 'Peter Pan' child, who does not want the responsibility of growing up at all cannot escape the milestone birthday.

We have 3 summers left. And before they pass we will have driving tests and double dates and AP tests and life lessons. I think he is ready for all of it..

Today we celebrated with gifts and cookies for breakfast. a greasy burger delivered at school for lunch, and tonight a rendition from 'happy birthday' as only the Highland Rugby Team could render: kia Kaha! On Friday we host a blowout bash in the back yard (bless the weather change!). Episodes of 'Psych' and lots of food and a firepit and a few pineapples (inside joke to any Psych fans). Girls and boys will attend-new territory for our family and new territory for Mason too.

Happy Birthday Mason. I love you more than words...


  1. Wahoo!! Can't believe it! But so excited for him. Part of his Peter Pan complex is my fault, I am tell them all to stay a kid as long as they can. Sorry :)

  2. What a fun birthday! They grow up too fast! I love the pineapples. :-)

  3. Happy birthday to Mason!! He sure has grown into his head nicely. :)

  4. Thanks a bunch Jess
