Monday, May 09, 2011

Anatomy of a Teenage Birthday Party

the only place at the Spruces big enough for this crowd was OUTSIDE

Sidewalk chalk, pogo sticks and scooters were some of the activities waiting for party guests

'find the pineapple' was a fun way for kids to start the party. 12 pineapples were hidden in the front yards of our home and the neighbors. The kids who found the fruit took it home as a prize

TONS OF FOOD! Hot dogs, hamburgers, chips, fruit, veggies, drinks, popcorn from the rented popcorn machine, and movie snacks not to mention the big birthday cake. And both boys and girls helped themselves freely. I loved using the old fashioned burger baskets lined with checkered paper. And John was a short order cook who made things hot n' ready...

Sharon Cliff's chocolate cake was amazing with almond buttercream frosting. Mason is wearing his favorite birthday gift; a t-shirt made by his friend advertising the most watched tv show in our house and the show Mason played for his friends in the back yard: PSYCH

So, of all the birthday parties we've thrown this year, I feel like this was the most fun for me. That is mostly because Mason didn't care much what happened, as long as we had food to eat and PSYCH episodes to watch on the outdoor movie wall. He and I and Brynley brainstormed for a few minutes to have some alternative activities for those not interested in the quirky comedy/mystery show. In the end it was my imagination and a lot of hoping that brought it all together.

While kids arrived they were invited to sluth out the hidden pineapples on our street. This is a direct nod to the tv show, as they hide a pineapple somewhere in each episode. Sidewalk chalk, pogo sticks, bouncy balls, and dry erase boards were all in tubs around the yard marked 'play with me'. The kids scooters and tricycles were also entertaining for this teenage crowd. The dry erase boards were meant to be used for outdoor Pictionary, but the kids had a blast writing words in chinese and just doodling with them. The pogo sticks were meant for younger kids, but these guys didn't care much-they challenged each other to see who could bounce the longest (we had two sticks) and they seemed to have a blast.

After a huge dinner, the kids jumped on the tramp and talked and texted (!) until it was dark enough to start the show. Madi was an awesome popcorn maker, and the kids really chowed down on all the party candy while they watched the heroes take down the bad guys. The kids who weren't interested in tv shows came inside and played the piano, and went in the front yard to make s'mores at the firepit or play glow in the dark frisbee.

John was an amazing help to me-and our weekly babysitter Emily was a huge help too. Mason worked hard to get outdoor tables and chairs out, and to basically follow orders as I told him what to do. I was proud of his preparation and happy he enjoyed such a fun evening. Turns out some of those texts that were flying after dinner were to summon other kids to join the party. I guess we were throwing a good one, and friends wanted other friends to join in.

The more the merrier.

Happy Big 16 to Mason. It was great to meet the kids he wants to hang around with, and it was fun for me to see if I could entertain an older crowd.


  1. are so cool. who wouldn't want to come to a party at your house?!

  2. Hey, there's a shout out to Mason on my blog today. If you don't want his name out there, I can take it out. : )
