Thursday, May 12, 2011

Favorite Bake Sale Cookies

after the dough is made, we scoop it onto a couple of cookie sheets and freeze the 'dough balls' so our treats are ready for baking whenever we are ready for them!

once the dough balls are frozen, we 'package' them in batches of a dozen. It would also be very simple to put them in big gallon sized bags and then just use as many as you need. That would save plastic use as well! then just pop the bags in the freezer and hope someone asks you to bring cookies to something...

not our most 'artful' photograph of delicious food, but you get the idea that a cookie fresh out of the oven is delicious even when not framed well in the photo...notice the cookie in the corner of the pan has already been enjoyed, our kids can't keep their hands off them, and neither can I...

This time of year we have to bring treat after treat to one event or another. Often fund-raisers for school or sports, it is important to have a confection that will catch the eye of a distinguishing buyer...

THIS is the cookie of choice in our family-we keep the dough on hand in our freezer so they can be baked and served at a moment's notice. Brynley and I can basically make them without a recipe to follow. I like to add both milk and semi sweet chocolate, and I only go for the good quality chocolate! No nestle, but Guittard chocolate chips are in order for these incredible morsels.

The batch is HUGE. like making a doulbe batch of any other recipe, so keep this in mind when choosing your mixing bowl!

The recipe was shared with us while living in Flower Mound, Texas. Becky Speakman-we bless your name every time your yummy cookies come out of our oven or are given to our neighbors! Thank you for your gift of this recipe!

Becky Speakman's cookies:
1 lb. softened butter (salted is actually best for this cookie)
1 1/2 cups sugar
2 cups brown sugar
2 T vanilla

cream these together.
Then mix in:

3 eggs

1 t. salt
1 t. soda
5 1/2 cups flour

blend together, but do not over mix.

Add 1 1/2 packages chocolate chips. We often 'push the envelope' and add two bags, one milk and one semi sweet.

bake in a 350 degree oven for 10-12 minutes.


1 comment:

  1. THEY ARE SO GOOD! Nice to know your freezer is stocked right now.....need a babysitter anytime soon?? I can be paid in cookie dough :)
