Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Channeling Super Strength

'She's Super!' Madi's slogan for Student Council Elections
held this week...

The countdown is on: this is the last FULL week of school. Two half weeks happen after this. The pace is completely frenetic. I skipped a PTA luncheon today to catch up on the housework. Then, instead of zipping from one domestic assignment to the next, I moved at a snail's pace...I am burned out.

Going to bed too late for the hour that I wake, I fell asleep twice today while listening to Molly read to me. After publishing these thoughts I will proceed to the medicine cupboard where I keep Coca Cola for migraine headache relief (I am not a soda drinker). I don't have a migraine yet, but I have to stay awake for so many more hours I think I'll resort to the caffeine.

We've had a party for everyone this year whose had a birthday so far. Today I realized that on top of the party that's happening here on Thursday (supposed to be an outside pot luck luncheon but thunder storms are in the forecast, so now we are re-arranging furniture to seat upwards of 50 mothers coming to eat and chat about life with a 7th grader) I've got Porter's birthday party coming the day after school gets out. Invitations must be made and delivered, and the yard tidied up again before the insanity of May has ended.

I need some super strength.

As I drove this afternoon my mind wandered to my tendency to give advice to just about everyone. I seem to think I know how to help others with the words that I might say. It occurred to me as I was pondering that I really don't know it all; in fact; I really don't know much of anything...and the things I seem most confident to counsel others about are things I haven't applied diligently in my life (daily scripture STUDY and daily acts of selflessness) for months and months and months.

And those are the things that provide the kind of strength to cheerfully proceed, super strength or not, through the good and busy times in my life.

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