Wednesday, May 18, 2011

One Quiet Minute

Some Quiet minutes make mothering Heavenly

each morning we encourage our children to take a 'quiet minute'. This is a time for them to begin their day with personal prayer and a thought from the scriptures. It is self directed. We would never perscribe what they need to do, we only provide the encouragement to take time to put God first each day.

Usually this time is compiled of a very quick prayer, sometimes in a very public place-just to get the 'chore' done. But sometimes thoughtful moments come when the children read scripture or retreat to their rooms to privately seek Heaven.

This morning, as happens on many, I was invited to listen in on Lucy's morning prayer. It went like this;

Hebenly Fader,
Thank you that we could go to school today
Thank thee that we can help Molly be on time to school
Thank thee that we can learn.
Thank thee for our church
Thank thee that dad will come home safe
Jesus Christ, Amen

For that 15 seconds the earth was quiet and I felt Lucy reach for Heaven. And I felt Heaven reaching back.

seconds like that make mothering a calling of honor for me.


  1. beautiful post, Katie. I love that little Lucy! So do my girls, who are wondering when they can play with her again... :)

  2. Super post! You have such a wonderful family!
