Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Far and Away

Pioneer Trek: 3 days, 1 camera, 10,000 photos taken by John alone.

Week long Trip to China for Work; first time to China. Two weeks after Trek

9 boys and my John as their fearless leader: 15 days camping in Scandinavia, 2 weeks after China

and now, two nights spent in Arkansas....

This time of year I think quite often of a question I dreaded when I was a kid going back to school in the fall. "What did you do this summer?" Growing up it was very rare that our family took a trip together. The closest thing to a summer vacation was the week each year we spent in Park City Utah (which is one of my favorite memories of growing up, no complaints mind you...). Many of my classmates had stories of beaches or forests, trips to big cities or to far off lands.

If only John got to answer that question next week in front of a class...the stories he could tell!

This summer has been full of experiences for John. Not things he conjured up for himself, mind you-but opportunities and responsibilities handed him that have been remarkable in many ways. Days spent trekking with the youth of our area were filled with fun and service. Days spent in China and Hong Kong were enlightening and rewarding. Days spent in Scandinavia with Mason and 'the crew' were life changing and joy-filled.

I"m so happy John has had this summer. These experiences, this travel. I'm glad for what he is becoming because of the things he has seen, heard, and felt. I'm happy for all it is making him.

and I miss him.

Sleep well tonight John, in your hotel room far away. I'll keep our bed warm and dream of you with me. But be amazing while you are away. Make the experiences count and be your best in all you do. You are becoming so much so quickly. I'm so lucky to be the one who keeps the home fires burning while you are far and away.

1 comment:

  1. You are too kind. I like Jeff's comment that behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes. Thanks for not rolling yours.
