Monday, August 22, 2011

Robbed of Summer

no pictures.

I'll start blogging regularly beginning this week because, well...

School started.

Like a thief, taking away the last two weeks of hot swim worthy summer.

taking my children away from late mornings, and late nights, and games of capture the flag or red light green light with the neighbor kids.

taking my long bike rides and my daily outdoor swim work outs while my kids learned the back stroke and the breast stroke yards away from me in the pool.

I've silently fought to preserve the last of our days without carpools, schedules and homework. But today they were back in classrooms. Listening to someone else teach them.

someone that wasn't me.

I love my children's education; I like a traditional school with its micro society and all our kids learn about the big world by walking down the street together in the mornings and taking care of one another on the long walk home after the last bell has rung.

But I feel like this year my time was taken from me. I was just getting warmed up. Just beginning to love summer with big kids and little kids. Just getting good at it. Just starting to have fun in the place where we are as a family and the place where I am as a mom-

so, welcome school year, I guess. You aren't going away, so I'm reconciled to embrace you. But I wish you'd given me just a couple more weeks to hug my kids and let them eat Popsicles after dinner.

look for some review of our last fun weeks, and a commentary or two on John and Mason's European camping trip. I have some things to say about teaching our children how to work and helping them become useful, happy adults. I'm back. Just like school, like it or not :)

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