Monday, August 29, 2011

Lucy Begins Kindergarten (and why I'm glad its half day)

This is Lucy first thing in the morning. She rises before the sun most days, her internal clock is 'early'

This is Lucy 20 minutes after school let out. I barely got a meal in her before she was sacked out on the couch.

It is hard for me to let her go. Not because she is gone too much, but because this is the beginning of a long educational career. While she is with me half of every day now, I know her school career takes her away from me more and more, and that my days as a mom of 'little ones' are truly truly numbered.

Lucy started school today. Half Day, morning, Kindergarten. Her teacher was Molly's teacher before her. Lucy spent many hours in the classroom last year while I was a volunteer.

She feels like she owns the place.

John was amazing. With tons of pressure waiting for him at the office, he walked with us down the street to school. Video camera in hand, he captured Lucy's first trip to our elementary as an enrolled student.

Lucy met familiar faces in the school yard, and walked to her line once the bell rang. Other parents followed their children through the doors. I stayed back. Lucy didn't need me hovering over her, in fact I couldn't keep my composure much past the tardy bell's ring

I cried all the way back home.

Then I poured out my heart in thanks that I am Lucy's mom. And that I've had 5 years of loving and parenting her before this day had come. And that I'd be there to pick her up at lunch when her day was done. And that we live right down the street from school. And that she gets to go to school. And that I get to be a mom. And that there are good teachers to watch over and guide her as she learns.

And that I get to teach her too. About reading and math and about sewing and cooking and more than anything, about life; about God and His blessings and honesty and truth and compassion and service and kindness and love.

Lucy came home. She ate and she napped. Its going to be a great year.

1 comment:

  1. The joy you express in mothering is an inspiration. You made me cry. (Thanks a lot!) Thank you, Katie.
