Wednesday, August 24, 2011

muddy instead of clear

I have a summer cold. Having a summer cold is like getting punished for something you did not do. All the pain, with no justification for its purpose.

Our kids are gone, save Lucy, but there is so much in the way of housework to be done right now that I'm not enjoying the freedom afforded by full day school. I hope by next week the message center and library are all organized, the laundry caught up and the pile of clothes for donation or hand-me-down boxes gone through and placed properly.

I ran a half marathon two weeks ago, in beautiful Provo canyon. With Jeni. It was great fun! Somehow I hurt my foot, so I've hardly exercised since then. Hardly exercising is not good for my mental health. I'm starting to feel really down. Now the foot is feeling much better, but the head is full of congestion and the body is simply exhausted-I hope the foot fully healed and the nasal passages fully cleared happens soon...real soon, so I can get back to feeling like an emotionally balanced individual.

I went to the dentist, so he could fix a chipped tooth. He did his best, but seems to have made things worse instead of better. More dental work is in my immediate future. In the meantime I chew on only one side of my mouth so as to avoid lighting from striking up the other side of my face.

Have you ever noticed that sometimes things just don't go right? All at once the check book is out of balance, a head cold, hurt foot, sore tooth, empty nest...the stars just mis-align and life seems muddy instead of clear.

It has caused me to remember this great advice, and to try and let the universe come back into clarity as I go about the business of knowing things will be better soon, if I am patient.

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