Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Be It Resolved...Resolutions for 2012

I am really a happy person; I believe that by setting achievable goals and reaching toward them I can become even happier :)

I am working to become a greater asset to my husband. I believe we have a good marriage, and that most of the things that aren't so good in it could be made much better with a little less selfishness on my part and a little more willingness to see things from John's perspective. To achieve this goal I'm working to be more thankful and to express my gratitude for all John does to provide for our family and to support me in my own work as a mother. I am also working harder than ever to manage the financial blessings we enjoy in a manner that allows us to plan for a future filled with service and time spent together in fun, meaningful ways. And I'm trying to keep my mouth shut more often when I want to 'vent' to John about the frustrations I experience in pursuing these goals ;)

I love John. I want him to have a hundred good reasons to love me back.

I'm trying to become healthy and strong this year. I experience some very minor aches and pains and have recently had someone tell me that my body is quite toxic. This year I intend to permanently step down the road to better inward health; by feeding my body properly and exercising it regularly. I hope to pursue more intense time in interval training and weight training as well as more yoga-incorporating more stretch and quiet into my work out regimen. I have often picked a race or two to work towards each summer, but I'm looking to achieve different goals this year and (see above) wanting to avoid unnecessary expense. I look forward to biking, swimming and running but not for the purpose of triathlon. I just want to become healthy and have a body I feel proud of (no, that girl is NOT me by a long shot, but it could be if I try hard enough. I'm finally ready to try that hard)

I believe my body is a gift, and that I will be accountable for how I use it. I intend to become its master, and to enjoy all it can do for me.

In the summer, with Lucy's anticipated entry into the world of full day school, I will begin playing the piano. I'll probably only get to practice 15-20 minutes each day, but I feel it is time for my children to see that I will practice what I have been preaching to them in their daily struggle to play. I want to obtain this ability, and then use it to bless the lives of my children, myself and those around me.

I believe we are given talent and opportunity; and sometimes we need to take opportunities to develop our talents. This is that time for me.

I plan to organize our things. We have now lived in this home longer than we have lived in any other without it being 'up for sale'. In previous homes, by the 2 year mark, we have purged, cleaned, repainted and even re-landscaped in order to sell sell sell. It is time to treat this home in a way that it will function for us to stay in it. That means purging, figuring out a system for its spaces to work for us and to bring us greater joy and purpose and for me to feel that I am its owner, and its caregiver. Its time for me to be a better steward of the Spruces.

I believe we are stewards over the physical things we have. We need to care for them and use them to bless the lives of others. I intend to make this home, the Spruces, a blessing to me and my family that we more fully realize and enjoy.

I am going to work hard to learn how to speak Spanish. Most of our married life I have had a goal to obtain a Masters Degree. While I don't feel it is time for me to go back to school and accomplish this, I do feel its time for me to apply some time to learning and being a student. Spanish, playing the piano again, and even volunteering at our neighborhood schools, is the way I feel comfortable taking some time away from my children to become more and become better. I don't mean for this to be a selfish pursuit, but instead an investment in further opportunities to bless the lives of others. John and I intend to be missionaries together one day, and I want to really be prepared to work and to serve with effect. He speaks Spanish, so it is an easy fit for me to learn this language. AND there are countless opportunities for me to give of my time in serving the Spanish speaking population in our city if I can speak the language.

I believe we need to prepare ourselves to bless the lives of others. And I believe we need to use our minds to gain knowledge and improve ourselves.

And, my most difficult resolution? I am going to read the Book of Mormon every day this year. So far, so good. This is a goal that I feel absolutely tenacious about completing. I want to NEED the scriptures in my life EVERY DAY. I want to know them, for them to be my friends, my answers to life's questions and my inspiration as a parent.

I believe that there is power in opening the words of God and inviting them into our lives.
As much as I often learn from the words on the printed page, it is often the quiet inspiration that comes about other matters in my life (how to help a child, what to do for a neighbor, how to solve a financial problem) that come when I am in the act of submitting my will by giving my precious time to the reading of scripture.

What are you resolutions? How do you choose them? How do you work to keep them?

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