Friday, February 10, 2012

We did Disney

the big kids are a little 'beyond' posing with disney characters, but they were good sports and had fun in other ways while we sailed on the Disney Wonder

John and I both value travel very much. Mostly we want to expose our kids to the wonderful and different cultures in the world, and to the goodness of people who are not like us.

But sometimes its important to travel for sheer pleasure. And John has wanted to take our family on a Disney cruise for nearly 10 years, since he first heard of these fun vacations from a partner at the consulting firm he worked for way back when

So, realizing we have only 2 summers and 4 school vacations left before Mason no longer lives here, we did Disney this January

We took the cruise that leaves out of L.A. and sails down the Mexican Riviera. We all had an absolute blast. We will remember this time together for a very very long while...

One of our favorite days was hanging out on the beach in Mexico. We snorkled, kayaked, paddle boarded, and played in the sand. Bryn enjoyed sun bathing (we only had a few sun tan worthy days much to her disappointment) and we all loved the guacamole! It was an amazing family day that I will always remember

Cabo San Lucas....when John saw this photograph he laughed and said he had made a vow many years ago he'd never take photos with people painted gold, but I wasn't in on that, so I smiled as the kids snapped the camera!

We had been told the average 7 day cruise costs a traveler about 8 pounds. I was determined not to go home 8 lbs. heavier...but we sure enjoyed the free ice cream on tap 24 hours a day....

Besides our beach day, my favorite parts of the cruise involved the people who 'took care of us' while we were on the ship. I loved our evening meals with Omar and Anastaciia-they waited on us as we had long conversations with our children around the table. And Noel took care of our little cabins; these men and women come from all over the world to work for the cruise line. They leave their families for 8-9 months of each year and rarely leave the ships they sail on. Omar had two small children at home in the Philippines, and Noel was paying for his 2 kids college education by making beds and cleaning rooms. I was truly touched by their example of dedication to their families and providing a good life for the ones they love. Though we had not thought of this as a teaching trip, the example of these wonderful people was more than a profound lesson for our children.

He is starting to look and act like a 'guy' instead of a 'kid'. It is crazy my son is a young (still immature but getting there) MAN.

Porter was in heaven, he cried the whole way home. He loved the food, the computers, the fun with the family and the break from his classroom and school.

Dinner was my favorite. I never realized how much I am up and out of my seat during our family dinner times-and you have heard me lament about not having every one at our table during dinner. This was wonderful! All of us together, long conversation, filling food, kind people cleaning up after us, family time that I will cherish as we dive back into the busy schedules of our family life at home

It was a lovely family vacation. We will always remember this time spent together, the people we met and the fun we had!

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