Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Porter in Real Time

 Porter, now 10, is still learning a lot of very important things. He still needs to work on doing assignments when they are given instead of the night before they are due. He is learning how to become a more compassionate big brother. He is still challenging the truth that honesty is always the best policy, and he is still figuring out that the sneak to the next door neighbor's house is not as good as to ask permission to go...but there are a few things Porter has learned that are pretty darn amazing.

 Porter is nice. He wants to have friends and he wants to be a good friend. His best buddies live next door, and they are a bit younger than him. He is seen by them like a big brother and he takes the responsibility seriously. Porter chooses to be nice to kids at school, and he is usually very nice to his mother...

 Porter likes scouts. And scouts teaches honesty, trustworthiness, resourcefulness, compassion, hard work, a love of the outdoors and a love for country too. This is why I have been willing to act as Porter's scout leader for the last 3 years. It has not been easy to squeeze that extra responsibility in, but Porter loves it so much and I am so happy for him to have exposure to these great attitudes and attributes. It was fun last summer to take Porter to Webelos day camp where he got to shoot bb guns and arrows, boat, play basketball and make stuff out of leather. The highlight was looking at the live rattlesnake that had been caught by one of the counselors in the archery shed. You would have though Porter had caught it himself; the tales about the snake were as long as the reptile! I hope in all the fun he is learning the character traits that will grow Porter into a good man.

 Porter loves to PLAY. For his birthday this year all he wanted was 'a family baseball game'. We gathered cousins, aunts and uncles and the Andersons from next door (Porter's second family!) and went down to the elementary school for a game of baseball. It was fun to play with Porter.
 Porter idolizes his brother. he watches what Mason does and says and asks for advice from him often. I'm happy that right now Mason is a good example to look up to; I'm happy the boys have one another and that they love each other so much.

 Porter loves school!  This is such a welcome adjustment compared to last year! He has been assigned to a new teacher in our elementary school and she has captured his heart and mind for sure. His favorite thing about her is that she has a piano in her classroom and she allows the kids to play pieces they know when they are done with their work. This has helped Porter to be motivated to improve his piano skills as well; a double awesome outcome for mom! Porter was told just yesterday that he got the highest score on the math test. He came home beaming. I feel so grateful for incredible educators that light a fire of curiosity and determination into our children. I hope Porter continues to learn the skills and habits that will bring him academic success throughout his educational career.

 Porter wants to be nice. Just today I was sent an email from a mom stating that she brought a new student into Porter's sign language class and the student was a little nervous. Recognizing Porter, this mom asked if Porter would be this new boy's friend and 'buddy' and help him get to know the other kids. Porter gladly accepted the assignment and genuinely helped the boy feel comfortable and happy. Porter will become a good leader as he learns to lead with kindness and by good example. 

 Porter is learning about being the oldest. We have expected him to take responsibility for the safety of his sisters on the way to and from our school I've been proud of the way Porter has accepted this role, that he watches out for his sisters when they are at school and he makes sure they get there and home on time. In frustration he typically asks me to 'tame Molly' so I know its not all peaches and cream, but I believe with work and time Porter will grow to love both of his sisters and desire to protect them as they grow.

 Porter decided to try Lacrosse this year. He opted out of football so he could play the fall LAX season and really learn the game while the team is small. I am proud of the way he is paying attention and really learning the sport. I am not a person who cares if her son is super athletic, but I do care that he is active. This new sport has given Porter some opportunities to learn new things, meet new kids, and become skilled at something that's difficult. I'm really proud of his progress and hope he falls in love with the sport and enjoys it for many years to come.

Porter is still so loving towards me, his mom. I like it that he still will kneel down in prayer with me at night by his bedside. I'm grateful when I hear him tell a story from the scriptures to his sisters. I'm glad he still snuggles up to me and wants hugs and kisses from mom. I know this cannot last much longer and I savor every smile, every hug and every night time prayer from my little boy. I'm so glad I get to be his mom.

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