Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Saying the Pledge

This morning I was in our elementary school when the children were asked to stand and repeat the pledge of allegiance. I was in the hallway...and from each classroom I could hear the echo of those hallowed words

'I Pledge Allegiance...'

I put my hand over my heart, caught a glimpse of the flag hoisted in the school office, and joined the school in this solemn promise to love my country.

Its hard for me not to get choked up when I repeat the pledge of allegiance. I feel such gratitude with each repetition.

How can the day be bad when its begun with a reminder that we live in a place where we can be loyal to a system of government that respects our individual rights and is to protect our freedom?

I know we are in the middle of mud slinging, slander smearing, insult flinging elections. I have felt discouraged with the direction our country is taking. But I felt so glad that for a moment today I could be reminded that we are called, as citizens and neighbors, to become indivisible in our resolve to protect this system which allows us have expression, opportunity and education.

With Liberty and Justice for All.

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