My friend Andrea and I spent time together yesterday, running errands and 'grabbing lunch' (Haggerman's Bakery; definitely going into the "If you are ever in Salt Lake" archives very soon, watch for it!).
Andrea took me by Cy's Market. A small family run produce market that is running a great produce co-op.
I opted in.
I came home with a box of organic, well picked produce. Tomatoes, zucchini, cucumber, red bell pepper, green leaf lettuce and Kale. Green onion, some radishes, snow peas, beautiful green beans, brocoli and some juicy white peaches. A few pears, a couple of apples, a bag of grapes and loads of bananas. Then Cy threw in a couple bunches of fresh basil, picked from his own gardens the day before. And 2 bunches of 'bread bananas' which were going brown and ready for bread (this is a tradition for the co op boxes. Some ripe bananas, and some real ripe bananas).
I added to my stash some interesting cucumbers and a local cantaloupe.
We've had two smoothies,and a delicious salad and green beans for dinner.
I'm happy we opted in.
Its good to look at a box (or garden full) of produce and center your meals around whats given you that is local and fresh. I like that I"m supporting a local farmer, and that I have a connection to my community in some small way. And I'm glad that every other week me and Andrea and Lara will take turns driving out to pick up our produce filled boxes. I drive every 6 weeks; I get a box every 2. Something so 'green' about pick up sharing don't you think?
tonight we'll have pasta in red bell pepper sauce. And lots of brocoli to compliment. Tomorrow for lunch, chinese noodles with fresh green onion to garnish, and cucmbers with dip for snack time. I'll try my hand at a peach pie this weekend (if John will teach me the art of the crust) and on Sunday, I'll whip up some yummy banana bread to share with a neighbor or two.
Its great to co-op-erate :)
Katie, maybe try a "rustic tart" with your peaches? You make the filling and crust as usual, but put the crust on a baking sheet. Fill the center, then fold the edges slightly over artistically. Do an egg wash on the edge and maybe sprinkle with a bit of sugar. Tastes every bit as good, requires less precise rolling, and you don't need to fuss with crimping around a pie plate.
Sounds delicious. If you have an abundance of peaches, make cobbler and think of me.
The happiest people I know... while in pursuit of worthy goals, discover and treasure the beauty and sweetness of the everyday moments. They are the ones who, thread by daily thread, weave the tapestry of gratitude and wonder throughout their daily lives.
Re-reading this quote just now made me think of you -- this is who you are.
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