The only dance I remember being asked to was Homecoming of my Freshman year...a huge bunch of helium balloons in our school colors were left on my front porch with instructions for me to pop the balloons and find a 'hidden message' revealing my date.
I was too young to go.
It was a difficult thing you see, because he was a senior and a Student body officer. And he had a steady girlfriend whose parents had suggested the couple find other dates for this dance. So it was a 'safe date' if you know what I mean.
But I answered back with a 'no'. I did it in a clever way. But I still said no.
Our family rule growing up was just like it is for my own kids today:
"do not date until you are at least 16 years old. Date those who have high standards. When you begin dating, go in groups or on double dates. Plan activities which help you remain close to the spirit of the Lord." (taken from 'for the strength of youth')
Last night Mason asked a cute nice girl to the homecoming dance.
Brynley, Madi and I orchestrated the 'asking'. We came up with the clever idea, packaged it all up and sent him out the door so the girl he'd hoped to go with wouldn't get asked by someone else.
They are both 16.
They'll go in a (fun) group.
They'll plan a very fun (wholesome) evening full of activities.
It will be a great evening.
How have you been asked or answered to dances in your past?
Did kids at your school pull these crazy stunts to invite to dances?
What fun, wholesome activities do you remember as part of your high school dating experiences? One of my favorites was sailing paper boats down the river in Millcreek canyon - super fun night during my high school career!
With a pregnant hamster that had dozens of babies a week later
I was asked to prom by the date's younger brother dressed as a page who presented me with an official declaration "hear ye, hear ye" style
Well how did this turn out! Does he have a date?!
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